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plant house plants

Look for variegated varieties for even more interesting leaves. Sometimes called eternity plant because it lasts so long, ZZ plant (Zamioculcas zamiifolia) will even grow in low light and can go weeks without water. The fun nickname aside, you’ll love this plant for its gently arching stems lined on either side with deep green, smooth leaves.

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With fuzzy leaves and tiny, golden-orange flowers, velvet plants are in the daisy family. Tending towards a vining growth habit, velvet plants can benefit from frequent pruning to keep them growing in a more upright shape. Rubber plants are actually trees that can grow over 100’ tall in their native environment of southeast Asia.

Umbrella Tree

Even when not in bloom, its glossy green leaves are attractive all on their own. Bamboo is well-known for being a tall skinny plant that is a fast grower, even in indoor environments. Types of tall indoor bamboo plants with small leaves generally need plenty of bright light and a warm, humid environment.

Palm Ponytail

28 Best Air-Purifying Plants For The Home - Country Living UK

28 Best Air-Purifying Plants For The Home.

Posted: Wed, 31 Jan 2024 08:00:00 GMT [source]

The indoor tree is identified by tear-shaped succulent leaves that measure between 1.1” and 3.5” (3 – 9 cm) long. The thick woody stems can grow up to 5 ft. (1.5 m) indoors and the succulent foliage creates a shrub-like appearance. Many people keep jade trees at home or in the office because they are said to be plants that bring good luck. With attractive glossy green leaves and long-lasting, waxy spathes in shades of mauve, orange, pink, red, or white, anthuriums (Anthurium andraeanum), are attractive, easy-care houseplants. Like crotons, coleus are commonly grown as outdoor ornamental annuals, but they make great houseplants too.

Philodendron Green

It works well wherever you need a draping plant or it easily can be encouraged to climb a support if you want a more upright look. Arrowhead vine (Syngonium podophyllum) gets its name from the triangular shape of its green leaves. You can find varieties with variegated leaves or even bronzy-green with pink tones (you might also see it sold as Nepthytis). Young plants form a mound about a foot high, but stems begin to vine as they mature, so you can grow them upright if you give them support or let them trail in a hanging basket. The interesting shape of the leaves and trailing stems give any room a tropical feel. "While ficus lyrata is known to be fussy, Audrey, in contrast, is more tolerant and easier to care for."

Common House Plants

Plus, it adapts well to low-light spots and doesn’t mind if you forget to water it a time or two. Its trailing stems look especially pretty draping down from a shelf or hanging basket. You can find several different varieties with different leaf shapes and patterns like the ones shown here. Several closely related species share the name of dieffenbachia (Dieffenbachia spp.), and they all have canelike stems and lush green foliage variegated in white or cream.

They favor the same conditions as other tropical plants—warm and humid. Rubber plants can threaten to outgrow a room, but can be kept in check by pruning off the top at the central stem. Keeping your plant in a smaller pot will also curb its growth. This tropical fern makes a stunning centerpiece for a table or plant stand. New fronds unfurl from the center of the plant, so the shape remains elegant and upright.

Featuring fleshy, globular leaves, string-of-pearls stores water quite well and does best with a thorough watering once every two weeks. Polka dot plants can be finicky plants to keep unless you do a bit of research. Requiring higher than normal humidity levels, polka dot plants are prone frequent wilting if their soil is allowed to dry out or if they receive insufficient humidity. Propagating easily in water, polka dot begonias, like other begonias, require regular watering schedules and a monthly feeding with a good liquid fertilizer.

plant house plants

HouseplantsDiscover the right indoor plants for your home.

They do well in low light, but can also survive bright light. They also do well in areas of low lighting and can survive some weeks of neglect. "Just dunk them in water for about two or three hours every 10 days or so," says Tovah Martin, expert gardener and author of The Indestructible Houseplant. Low-light picks, options for clean air and more easy-to-care-for varieties. This is an excellent post about houseplants, and it is perfectly explained. For complete care and maintenance details, read our guide on how to grow and care for peace lilies.

Also known as Aglaonema, the Chinese Evergreen is a great pick if you're looking for a trouble-free houseplant, providing you follow proper growing conditions. It only needs watering every 5 to 10 days (watch out for soggy soil) and low to bright indirect sunlight to keep it intact. You can find varieties with green leaves adorned in bold stripes ranging from silver to red. Tall, large indoor plants are excellent for bringing nature indoors to large rooms in homes and offices. The best tall houseplants thrive in typical indoor conditions—low light, average room temperatures, and little watering. Some large indoor plants also have big leaves that create a feeling of drama and provide a focal point.

Its thick stems contain a gel-like substance that actually has been studied for burns; break off a leaf and smear it on minor burns to aid healing. Whether you’ve always loved houseplants or just jumped on the trend in the last few years with all the extra time at home, plants make every space feel more warm and welcoming. Many common houseplants are popular (and have been for decades!) because they’re easy to grow, inexpensive, and don’t require too much—if any—coddling. As new types of houseplants are introduced, it’s always fun to add to your collection.

Here is a list of the most common houseplants, including their scientific names, basic care requirements and more. Several common house plants called ficus come from the Moraceae family. The elegant Weeping Fig is the most popular of all the ficus species from this clan. Alocasia cuprea bears large, leathery heart-shaped leaves in a variety of colours. Grow in bright light to partial shade, with a good degree of humidity - a bright bathroom is ideal. These twining evergreen climbers bear clusters of richly scented flowers, and enjoy growing in bright shade in a free-draining soil.

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